Good for Relax

Hog Key

Leon Hamilton Place 6.1 km
Free entrance • Virgin beach • Bright sand • Turquoise water • Access by boat • No parking
0 Amenities index
Good for Relax

Highland beach

Leon Hamilton Place 3.6 km
Free entrance • Virgin beach • Light sand & pebble • Turquoise water • Access by boat • No parking
0 Amenities index

Latest reviews on Leon Hamilton Place's beaches

Highland beach
10 Mark Davidson.

If you plan your trip around good weather, you'll have a fantastic time at the beach. However, if you don't choose wisely, you could end up with a boat or kayak that needs constant bailing and clothes that won't dry. I once saw someone anchor their boat too close to the shore, and when the tide went out, the boat was stranded on the muddy, clay-like beach and filled with water. Even some ballyhoo fish found their way inside. Despite the potential hazards, the fishing at this beach is excellent. We caught some delicious trout and snapper for dinner. For a comfortable and dry camping experience, it's best to set up camp a little ways off the beach. There's plenty of room, and you're even allowed to have a fire. Overall, this is a stunning and secluded spot for camping.