Om Las Garitas

Las Garitas hamlet ligger i området Dominikanske Republik og berømt for sit turkisblå vand, hvis krystalklare klarhed er utrolig! Dette øger niveauet for strandrekreationsoplevelsen, da det er mere behageligt at være i vandet, jo bedre kvalitet det har. Men lad dig ikke narre af det kølige vand!

Meget godt
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Nem adgang • Lys fint sand • Turkis rent vand • Øde
7.8 Faciliteter indeks
Meget godt
Delvis hotel strand • Nem adgang • Lys sand • Smal åben zone • Overfyldt • Fjern parkering
5 Faciliteter indeks
Delvis hotel strand • Nem adgang • Lys sand • Smal åben zone • Overfyldt • Fjern parkering
5.4 Faciliteter indeks

Playa Coson

Coson 0.9 km
Meget godt
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Malerisk • Nem adgang • Lys fint sand • Overfyldt
3.8 Faciliteter indeks

Playa Escondida

La Noria 3.2 km
Meget godt
Gratis indgang • Virgin Beach • Afsondret • Lys sand • Vanskelig adgang • Parkering forbudt
0 Faciliteter indeks

Playa Las Garitas

La Fuente 1.2 km
Gratis indgang • Virgin Beach • Nem adgang • Lys sand • Turkis rent vand • Parkering forbudt
0 Faciliteter indeks

At hvile ved havet for enhver rejsende er forbundet med forskellige aktiviteter. Nogen elsker total afslapning og stilhed, mens andre har brug for aktivitet. Vores konfigurator vil altid hjælpe dig med at vælge en strand, der opfylder dine personlige behov.

Hvis en strandferie for dig primært er lyden af bølgerne, skrigene fra mågerne over bølgebryderen og rolige gåture langs kysten, så er du helt sikkert en fan af rolige strande. De mest populære strande til en sådan ferie i nærheden af Las Garitas er Las Ballenas Strand, Bonita Strand, Sublime Strand Las Terrenas.

Listen over tilgængelige strandaktiviteter er bestemt vigtig, men for mange rejsende er det ikke afgørende for valget af feriemål. Nedenfor finder du nogle oplysninger om de naturlige træk ved strandene i Las Garitas, og vi håber, at disse oplysninger vil hjælpe dig med at finde drømmestedet.

Strandene i hamlet er hovedsageligt smal. Ifølge anmeldelser fra store strandeksperter og feriegæster har de fleste strande en højrenhedsgrad. Sandet dominerer resten!

Normalt øges dybden normalt. Hvis dette er vigtigt for dig, skal du altid bruge vores filter til at tjekke en bestemt strand.

Seneste anmeldelser af Las Garitas's strande

Playa Coson
10 Aquaticia Paddler

Long Beach er et fremragende rejsemål for vandsportsentusiaster.

Playa Escondida
10 Marianne Fabianová

Denne private strand er virkelig fantastisk med sit gyldne sand.

Las Ballenas Strand
6 Nando Manteri

I had the pleasure of visiting the public beach, as I couldn't quite stomach the thought of staying at the hotel. I must say, it's touted as one of the best beaches in the world, but I wasn't quite sold on the hype. The morning and afternoon presented quite the contrast, with the wind and currents being marginally better in the morning - at least that's what I experienced during my visit in June. If you're into snorkeling, you'll be pleased to know that the corals are just a few meters away from the beach, and there's a plethora of marine life to explore. The sun is quite pleasant, and it's a great spot to play with the little ones. While it wasn't a total nightmare, I wouldn't quite say it was my idea of paradise. On the bright side, it wasn't too crowded, so you won't have to worry about being elbow-to-elbow with strangers.

Playa Las Garitas
10 Jarek Kowalski

This stunning stretch of sand and sea is truly a sight to behold. The beach boasts a breathtaking natural beauty that is sure to leave you in awe. The crystal-clear water and soft sand make for the perfect place to relax and unwind. Whether you're looking to soak up the sun, take a refreshing dip in the ocean, or simply enjoy a peaceful stroll along the shore, this beach has it all. With its serene atmosphere and picturesque surroundings, it's no wonder why this beach is a favorite among locals and tourists alike. So, if you're looking for a little slice of paradise, look no further than this beautiful beach.

Bonita Strand
8 Saralena Heights

Oh, the crescent-shaped beach with its magnificent waves on the west and a serene water cove on the east! It's like having the best of both worlds. And let's not forget the walking path that's lined with a plethora of restaurants, making it the perfect spot for a day out in Las Terrenas. It's almost as if the beach is saying, "Come for the waves, stay for the food." So, if you're looking for a place to soak up some sun, take a dip in the ocean, and indulge in some delicious grub, this is the place to be. Trust me, you won't regret it!

Den varmeste måned i området er september, hvor lufttemperaturen stiger op til 29°C og vandtemperaturen op til 29.7°C. Den koldeste måned er januar, hvor lufttemperaturen falder ned til 25.9°C og vandtemperaturen ned til 26.7°C. Luft- og vandtemperaturen tillader behagelig hvile i hamlet året rundt, hvilket turister og lokale nyder med glæde og fordel.